Kansas City SEO Google News – Last month Google made some major changes to its local search results by only showing the top 3 results instead of 7. It appears Google’s motivation to do this was partially driven by their mobile search improvements. Chances...
If you want to create a powerful website that attracts the Search Engines to index your website for your most relevant keywords, you’ll need to follow a systematic approach to optimize each page which I am about to share with you now. First, you’ll want to research...
Below is a list of the most popular WordPress plugins our clients use. WordPress SEO by Yoast The most complete all in one SEO solution for your WordPress blog, this plugin has a huge list of features, including: Post title and meta description meta box to change...
Kansas City SEO – Recently Google made another significant change to their Local Business Map results. Now instead of showing 7 business, they are only show 3. You may also have noticed that the business phone numbers are not appearing in the desktop view...
Kansas City SEO – Where a website ranks in the search engines directly affect both the quanity and quality of the traffic you receive. Websites sitting in the top 3 listings of Google for thier respective targeted keywords will reap the benefits of both traffic...