2014 will go down in history as a bad year for SEO gurus who specialized in taking shortcuts to the top of the Google search rankings. With dramatic algorithm changes introduced (Penguin and Panda), low quality sites with spammy backlinks were suddenly penalized. While quality content was always supposedly a factor in Big G’s ranking system, it is now more important than ever that your website consist of more than just keyword stuffing and poorly written filler. If you’re ready to take your Kansas City web design to the next level in 2015, here are the tips to achieve success.
Quality Writing
Google may not yet be able to really tell the difference between poor grammar and award-winning writing, but it can determine whether or not a site is really giving users what they wanted from their queries. This is what quality writing means in the context of web design in Kansas City. When a user puts your targeted keyword into Google and lands on your site, you need to have the content ready to keep them there. High bounce rates (meaning a user glances at the page and quickly hits the back button) will negatively affect your ranking.
When looking for good SEO in Kansas City, many people forget that coding is just as important as backlinks and content. More so, in the estimation of some experts. After all, your website is being crawled by a robot. You need to make sure that robot can find the information it needs to properly evaluate your site. This means making sure you have meta tags in place, meaningful titles, and your site is well inter-linked. Find a good Kansas City web design company that understands the value of good coding.
Content Marketing
There is another benefit of filling your website with quality content. Good content encourages others to link to it. Everywhere you turn on the Internet, you’ll see aspiring marketers looking for tricks to obtain good backlinks. The answer is right under their noses. Blogs, social bookmarking websites, and niche forums are always on the hunt for interesting articles. If you provide these articles on your site, people will link to them. This drives more traffic to your site and improves your search engine ranking. A good SEO company can ensure that your site is ready when that happens.